L’artista e designer Siciliano Dario Denso Andriolo è lieto di presentare "PRISMATICA" un affascinante Percorso Immersivo di Luce e Suono che prende vita all'interno dello straordinario showroom "Lid Design" in Via xx Settembre, 9e e nella sua nuova e innovativa sede. Questa straordinaria mostra interattiva offre un'immersione completa nelle emozioni umane attraverso stanze monocromatiche, con sculture luminose, colori vibranti e suoni avvincenti.

Lid Design, Via xx Settembre, 9, Palermo | 19.10.2023

Sicilian artist and designer Dario Denso Andriolo is pleased to present “PRISMATICA,” a captivating immersive journey of light and sound taking place within the extraordinary showroom “Lid Design” at Via XX Settembre, 9, and its new and innovative venue. This extraordinary interactive exhibition offers a complete immersion into human emotions through monochromatic rooms, luminous sculptures, vibrant colors, and captivating sounds.

Exploration of Human Emotions, “PRISMATICA” represents a unique opportunity for visitors to delve into the complex facets of human emotions. Each room in the journey is dedicated to a specific aspect of human feelings, providing an engaging multisensory experience. Participants will be immersed in a world of sensations, highlighting the crucial role of light and color in shaping our moods.

The journey concludes at the brand-new “Lid Design” showroom, where an extraordinary, almost theatrical video installation connects with the concepts explored at Via XX Settembre, 9. This space offers a unique visual experience where light and color merge to convey deep emotions, creating a distinctive and immersive atmosphere, made possible also thanks to the cutting-edge technology of Sinergie Group.

Andriolo’s installations are meticulously designed to transport viewers into a world of visual sensations. Visitors will be enchanted by visual perceptions, three-dimensional sculptures, and color nuances that transform and dance on the wall. This installation is a true tribute to the profound connection between light, color, and human emotions, offering an engaging and unforgettable experience. An Extraordinary Sensory Experience.